Out of Hibernation
One wall of my 'haru'-spring exhibition at Urban Cow Studio
At last, the sun is starting to shine again here in Adelaide and I am finally venturing out again after my self-imposed hibernation. The last 6 months has been solely centred around preparing for my solo exhibition at Urban Cow Studio, and now the show is in its last week, I finally have the chance to reflect on the experience and appreciate how much work goes into filling even one small room.
I have not counted the hours I spent painting but there have been many a late night and is always the case, the last month was a marathon of brush strokes as I raced to finish by my deadline before opening night. I did snap a few shots that I shared on Instagram along the way but I confess, that when I am in the middle of creating, I am not so good at documenting the process. The longest part about each painting was the fact that each section needs to be painted with more than one layer - at least two and sometimes three or four to achieve the opaqueness I wanted. It was also the first time I had painted on such large canvases and really underestimated how long these would take. But the painting was the fun part. Once the designs and outlines were finalised it was really easy to focus on just one part at a time and mixing colours til I found just the right one. In the end, you always feel like you maybe could have done more or done better but maybe that is for next time. For now I am happy with this achievement and most happy to hear that people who have visited the show feel happy and joyous when they leave. I think that was my greatest goal.
I will leave you with some snapshots of a couple of the pieces in progress.