A 'Bazaar' Mother's Day Gift
I was so excited when I got inside that I hardly knew where to start. When you are with your kids pretty much 24/7 365 days a year, it feels very strange to suddenly not have to worry where they are or what items they are touching. I was really impressed with the quality of the products and had a lovely time chatting to some of the designers and creators about their products and experiences. It was both inspiring and a bit overwhelming but really good to see so much local talent and beautiful things made here in Australia. So many of the products we buy here in oz are made abroad so it was wonderful to see products with "designed and made in Australia" on them.
Of course the loveliest gift of all was spending time with my family today and the handmade card from my little boy that he made with his Dad while I was out at the market.
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers, mother-in-laws, Godmothers, fairy Godmothers, all those who mother and all mothers who have walked before us. What a wonderful and important job you all do.