
Slowly, ever so slowly I have been putting pen to paper in my evenings when the little ones are sound alseep. I am neither happy or satisfied with any of the results yet but I think importantly it is a start! Without a beginning there can be no ending and so I hope with continued effort that something will grow from this.

Cathy Nichols has inspired a couple of my recent efforts with her themes for her Found Art Friday. I never seem to finish mine in time to participate but I thank her for giving me encouragement to pick up my pencils when I might otherwise happily opt for much needed sleep.
The top one is "found" which was inspired by our recent search to find a home for our little family to live in earlier this year.
The second is called (Extra)ordinary. The theme for this one was "ordinary" and so I thought about the flowers and small plants we walk past every time we go to the supermarket. They are I think very ordinary and yet extraordinary at the same time.
I'm looking forward to finding out what this months theme will be.

Claire IshinoComment